Goals and Strategies
Multifamily Housing & Facilities
Advocate for state and federal policies that improve opportunities to provide housing for underserved families, including farmworkers and families living in small towns and rural communities.
- Work with national partners to support permanent programs status for USDA’s rural housing preservation program.
- Work with community partners to prioritize state funding allocations for those with the lowest incomes.

Manufactured Housing Communities
Develop an education and advocacy strategy which promotes state and federal policies that increase opportunities and resources for resident ownership.
- Develop legislative policy recommendations, including Opportunity to Purchase legislation.
- Support the renewal of the Oregon Affordable Housing Tax Credits.
- Collaborate with the Housing Alliance to support the issuance of lottery-backed bonds for funding resident purchases of manufactured housing communities.
Family Economic Opportunity
Advocate at state and federal levels to improve asset-building opportunities for low-income families.
Secure the support of Oregon’s federal delegation for the Savings for Working Families Act and the Children’s Savings Accounts Enact ASPIRE Act – two pieces of federal legislation that would make IDA-type programs universal and scalable.
Collaborate with partners to organize and annual state conference to highlight the need for state initiatives that support asset building and financial security for low-income residents.
Our History
CASA of Oregon worked through local community organizations and housing sponsors to develop housing to assist in improving the overall quality of life for farmworkers and their families.
CASA of Oregon is organized as a private non-profit community development corporation and has charitable tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) 3 of the IRS Code.
CASA of Oregon is a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) as well as the administrator of the Valley Individual Development Account program (VIDA).
VIDA is the largest IDA program in Oregon, constituting a collaboration of 19 CDCs, Housing Authorities and non-profit organizations that serve low income families throughout the state