“I moved to Portland from Baltimore with my spouse and my kids. A year or so later, my spouse and I divorced. I was new to Portland, and didn’t have a support network.

“I was only getting a small amount of spousal support from my ex-husband. I’m a certified art teacher and found a part time job. At the time, my kids and I were living in affordable housing and we had to move around a lot when the rent increased. I wasn’t sure where I would go from my affordable housing or when I might lose it. I was worried about becoming homeless because its super unaffordable in this city.

“I enrolled in an Individual Development Account (IDA) program at my therapist’s advice. Through the IDA program, I was eventually able to buy a home in Clackamas. I also got a grant from the Portland Housing Authority that helped me with my down payment. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the IDA program and the financial education I received as part of the program. It was almost magical.

“We’ve had our house for almost four years and it’s a dream come true. Even now, I talk to my kids about how lucky they are. My oldest is ready to graduate- she has a 4.0! Any my son and other daughter excel as well. My kids are in a good and safe neighborhood. We’re doing really well. I’m on my fifth year as a teacher near Oregon City.

“I feel super fortunate. It could have gone bad but I kept a lot of faith in the program.  What I learned from the financial education stays with me today. I have a budget and pay down my debt. I did meet with a financial advisor every so often—someone believing I could do it was helpful.

“It’s good to know the world has programs that are effective and help all walks of life. If participants follow through, then the program absolutely works—it’s life-changing.”