Project Postal Address: 1080 2nd Street and 1115 Mill St, Silverton, Oregon 97381 [...]
Project Postal Address: 1080 2nd Street and 1115 Mill St, Silverton, Oregon 97381 [...]
Project Postal Address: 1274 5th Street Woodburn OR 97071 Year [...]
Project Postal Address: 1335 S Water Street Silverton OR 97381 [...]
Project Postal Address: 160 W Cleveland Woodburn OR 97071 Year [...]
Project Postal Address: 1219-1233 W Lincoln Woodburn OR 97071 Year [...]
Northwest Housing Alternatives creates opportunity through housing.
The Maps Community Foundation was created to support lifelong learning and economic development throughout our community.
MicroEnterprise Resources, Initiatives & Training (MERIT) is a non-profit organization working to address the root causes of poverty by empowering economically, socially, and physically challenged individuals to increase self-sufficiency and build personal assets.
The Housing Authority of the City of Salem is Salem and Keizer's largest housing provider.