Colonia Amistad
Project Postal Address: Gun Club Road Independence OR 97713 Year [...]
Project Postal Address: Gun Club Road Independence OR 97713 Year [...]
Northwest Housing Alternatives creates opportunity through housing.
The Maps Community Foundation was created to support lifelong learning and economic development throughout our community.
MicroEnterprise Resources, Initiatives & Training (MERIT) is a non-profit organization working to address the root causes of poverty by empowering economically, socially, and physically challenged individuals to increase self-sufficiency and build personal assets.
The Housing Authority of the City of Salem is Salem and Keizer's largest housing provider.
Since 1989, the mission of Polk Community Development Corporation has been to provide the low and moderate income residents of Polk County with opportunities for high-quality affordable housing supported by self-help programs that assist families and individuals in their efforts to achieve significant life goals.
All participants must be receiving housing assistance from West Valley Housing Authority and enrolled with the Family Self-Sufficiency Program.